· AP U.S. History Document Based Question Example March 14, / in AP US History / by erinnelson. The DBQ requires you to analyze the documents in addition to bringing outside information to bear on the question. This is a difficult task, and you have only 15 minutes to plan before you begin writing. Don’t panic! Writing a Document-Based-Question Essay The first of the two essays on the AP World History test is the document-based question (DBQ). This essay asks you to be a historian: it will ask a specific question about a topic that you should be at least somewhat familiar with and then present a number of related documents. Essentially, you are the historian who will take these sources and draw Document Based Questions (DBQ) assess the ability of each student to work with historical sources in multiple forms. The secondary DBQ will have a maximum of 8 documents; at least 2 of which will be visuals. The 7/8 assessment will have a DBQ with 4 documents (including 2 visuals). The DBQ requires many of the same skills used in developing a
AP U.S. History Document Based Question Example - Kaplan Test Prep
The DBQ requires you to analyze the documents in addition to bringing outside information to bear on the question. This is a difficult task, document based question, and you have only 15 minutes to plan before you begin writing, document based question.
Use the same strategies given document based question the LEQ for document analysis. The more you practice using these strategies, the better you will become at quickly finding significance in the documents. Use the prompt and documents below to practice writing a DBQ. Either create an outline of key points or time yourself for 55 minutes 15 to prep and 40 to write to get test day practice.
Check your answers against the sample response at the end to see how yours compares! Evaluate the extent of change in United States political parties in the period to Document 1.
Document 2. Document 3. Document 4. Document 5. Document 6. Document 7. The prompt uses the verb evaluate, so you will need to make a determination about the changes in political parties. Begin grouping the documents into categories that you can use to help organize your essay.
Hamilton — Fed. Jefferson — Demo-Rep. Map of territories, feat. Louisiana Purchase — large territory bought by Jefferson. Hartford Convention — Fed. Next, take time to plan your response. Focus on formulating a strong thesis, and check your plan against the DBQ requirements, document based question.
See the sample plan that a high-scoring writer might make. Scoring requirements are written in bold for reference; note that the writer includes all seven documents and plans to use three documents to meet the requirement for sourcing, document based question. Leave a minute at the end to complete a brisk proofread and double-check that you met each of the DBQ requirements. American political parties experienced major changes throughchanging their interpretations of their ideals as they faced the realities of governance and even forming new political parties as concerns evolved over time.
Still, all the parties remained rooted in their devotion to the principles of document based question Constitution. The first two parties emerged from disagreements about forming a Bank of the United States. Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton developed a loose construction view of the Constitution, using the implied powers of the federal government in the Constitution to justify his support for a bank Document 1.
Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson argued for a strict construction view, opposing the Bank since it was not explicitly permitted by the Constitution and, he claimed, therefore unconstitutional Document 2.
These philosophies became the foundation of the first two political parties, document based question. Hamilton led the Federalists, who championed a strong federal government. Jefferson and James Madison led the Democratic-Republicans, who believed power rested with the states.
However, over time it became clear that the unwavering views of the two political parties needed to moderate if the country were to grow. Jefferson and his party document based question to further adjust their ideals when the opportunity to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France arose in Document 4. There was no provision in the Constitution for a president to buy more territory. However, Jefferson moderated his own strict construction document based question and made the purchase.
Later, when American shipping was disrupted during the Napoleonic Wars, Jefferson again showed a shift document based question his original pro-state view and took the strong federal action of supporting the Embargo Act, document based question.
The Federalists also modified their views after war broke out with Great Britain. Federalists formulated a set of demands in Hartford, Connecticut Document 5. By proposing that some document based question actions require a full two-thirds approval of the states, they were essentially challenging the authority of the federal government and seeking a way for their minority party to gain a greater say in decisions. Thus, the party that had favored a strong central government had now adopted an opposite view based on their circumstances.
Both the initial parties changed their ideals when faced with events while governing. As time went on, new parties emerged that were centered around the new concerns of their times. During the one-party Era of Good Feelings, the Federalist Party essentially ceased to exist, showing that political parties can disappear if their particular document based question are no longer relevant.
The Democratic-Republican Party eventually split into two new parties: the Democrats and the Whigs. Although the National Bank was still a divisive issue, these new parties now focused on the issues of the power of the presidency and the role of the national government in modernization. The political cartoon in Document 7, created by a member of the Whigs, demonstrates the Whig view of opposing a strong executive by depicting the Democrat Jackson as a king who literally is trampling the Constitution under his feet.
The intent of the cartoon is to mock Jackson as acting more like a king than a president by his excessive use of the veto. That a major facet of the Whig party was its opposing a particular president demonstrates the tendency of early political parties to form and dissolve as issues changed over time. Despite the changes, all the early parties remained devoted to the principles of the Constitution. American political parties developed soon after the Document based question took effect and went through shifts in ideologies and concerns over time.
Sometimes changing their views based on what was politically expedient, document based question, early parties came in and out of existence based on their particular focuses and current events.
Still, their devotion to constitutional principles showed their faith in the new form of government and ensured that the new government would endure and adapt, even when facing political disagreement. You might also like AP US History Exam: Period 8 Notes The Week Before the AP US History Exam AP U.
History: PERSIA Charts and Chain Outlines AP U. History Stress Management How to Approach Document-Based AP U. History Questions AP US History Exam: Period 9 Notes Present Need Help? Call KAP-TEST or email customer. care kaplan. History AP World History Free AP Practice Questions AP Exam Prep, document based question. DBQ Sample Question. Document based question 1: Analyze the Prompt.
Step 2: Plan Your Response, document based question. Step 3: Action! Write Your Response. Step 4: Proofread. Sample High-Scoring Response. You might also like AP US History Exam: Period 8 Notes The Week Before the AP US History Exam.
History: PERSIA Charts and Chain Outlines. History Stress Management. How to Approach Document-Based AP U. History Questions. AP US History Exam: Period 9 Notes Present, document based question. Need Help? Outside the U. or Canada? View our International Programs. Courses by Location NCLEX Locations GRE Locations SAT Locations LSAT Locations MCAT Locations GMAT Locations.
Document Based Question Part I
, time: 12:08Document-based question - Wikipedia
Writing a Document-Based-Question Essay The first of the two essays on the AP World History test is the document-based question (DBQ). This essay asks you to be a historian: it will ask a specific question about a topic that you should be at least somewhat familiar with and then present a number of related documents. Essentially, you are the historian who will take these sources and draw · AP U.S. History Document Based Question Example March 14, / in AP US History / by erinnelson. The DBQ requires you to analyze the documents in addition to bringing outside information to bear on the question. This is a difficult task, and you have only 15 minutes to plan before you begin writing. Don’t panic! Documents and Scaffolding Questions There will typically be documents that will be used to help you write your essay. Each document may have anywhere from questions that you must answer before writing the essay and will help you to shape your essay. Sunday, September 22, 13 What are Scaffolding Questions?
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