· Medical School Personal Statement Examples Here are two medical school admissions essays that made a strong, positive impression on admissions officers. The first is from Columbia and the second is Author: Ilana Kowarski · Medical School Personal Statement Example 1. In my family, food is the language of love. A warm meal is the way we say, “I love you.” Whenever I get sick, my mother prepares a pot of spicy kimchi (fermented cabbage) soup and barley tea. When my brother throws a game-winning strike for his baseball team, we prepare braised cod An Example of a Successful Medicine Personal Statement Below is an example of a strong medicine personal statement that the Medicine Answered team improved. This medicine personal statement rewarded the applicant with interviews at all four medical schools, helping them to secure four offers. We have kindly been granted permission to post it
Medical School Personal Statement Examples
These are real personal statements from successful medical school applicants some are from students who have used our services or from our advisors. These sample personal statements are for reference purposes only and should absolutely not be used to copy or plagiarize in any capacity. Plagiarism detection software is used when evaluating personal statements. Plagiarism is grounds for disqualification of an applicant. Disclaimer: While these essays ultimately proved effective and led to medical school acceptances, there are multiple components that contribute to being an effective medical school applicant.
These essays are not perfect, and the strengths and weaknesses have been listed where relevant. Yet it was Logan who was heading into surgery to remove a recently-discovered brain tumor. Logan was in the most critical and uncertain situation I could imagine, while the iPod I had lent him, a reminder of the conversation we had just a few hours earlier, was eerily visible on the other side of the room.
While Logan, fortunately, went on to make a full recovery after a successful surgery, I was not ready to hear those four frightening words. My father and I try to be mentally prepared to lose her any day. With a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis, my mother has struggled with suicidal tendencies for most of my life. Her other illnesses, including several autoimmune disorders and severe gastrointestinal problems, certainly hinder her from experiencing the joys of life.
But what is most difficult for me and my father is her anger and violence when she is in pain. My father would remind me that I had to consider the sources of her feelings, however irrational, in order to communicate with her.
Though my relationship with my mother has proved challenging, I am thankful for these experiences. In medicine, good medical school personal statement examples, I will be able to use these experiences to understand psychological barriers to wellness and to better empathize with the patients I see in the clinic.
Unique life experiences like these helped when I met Enrique, a patient presenting with an unusually painful fungal infection on one of his good medical school personal statement examples. Though he was aware that his condition posed no lasting threat to his health, the extreme pain of the infection made him apprehensive of treatment, a soak in Povidone-iodine solution.
This was not enough. I believe that my travels have helped me appreciate the cultural backgrounds of many patients and have prepared me to be an empathetic clinician. While I have been prepared to address patients psychologically and culturally, my training in the lab has prepared me to address patients biologically as well.
Having worked extensively in two different labs studying vaccine development and microbial pathogenesis, I have developed a desire to use bench research to improve clinical care. Walking into the office, I heard a most unsettling sound—a distinctive, screeching, painful yelp audible throughout the clinic. I instantly knew what case I would be seeing next: Whooping cough.
When I saw Brody, a toddler, I was arrested by a unique commiseration, one of both pity and curiosity. I knew exactly what was happening to Brody. I had spent the last two years performing research on the bacteria that caused the disease, Bordetella pertussis.
The author masterfully weaves together multiple elements of his unique experiences in medicine to tell a compelling story. Similarly, rather than explicitly stating he did experience A, and learned important lesson B and C, these themes are implied more indirectly. As a result, the essay reads smoothly as a story, and grips the reader. The character limit was pushed to the limit 5, and the author good medical school personal statement examples every word count.
Fantastic essay. The main reason why I want to go into medicine is because of a promise I made to my sister when I was eight years old. My sister, who was only a few months old, was aware I had good medical school personal statement examples taking care of her while our parents were working late, good medical school personal statement examples. Caring for her gave me a feeling of responsibility I had never experienced before, good medical school personal statement examples.
When my sister woke up with a fever, I felt helpless. Her doctor was able to take care of the most important person in my life by systematically ruling out possible causes for the fever while still helping my sister feel safe, allowing me to see the beauty of medicine. I made a promise to my sister to become a medical doctor, good medical school personal statement examples, so I can take care of her and other people who cannot take care of themselves.
Later, my mother explained to me that medicine had made my life possible because I had been conceived through in vitro fertilization. This reinforced my motivation to become a physician and encourages me to this day to come full circle and give back to the field that made my life possible by helping others in need.
I continued to pursue my dream of practicing medicine by volunteering in the Intensive Care Unit at the UC San Diego Thornton Medical Good medical school personal statement examples, where I gained first-hand experience interacting with patients. While collecting laboratory samples from nurses, I talked to a patient who only spoke Spanish. As the interpreter had not arrived yet, I was the only Spanish speaker in the unit, and my Spanish was basic at best. I asked the patient about her day and family, which really lifted her spirits.
This interaction taught me the importance of personal connections with patients. Shadowing allowed me to learn the characteristics of a good physician. One patient needed an Aortic Valve Replacement, and when I was getting his consent he told me he was a famous Italian singer.
The surgeon asked him to sing his hit song, and I was amazed. People who are underserved and undereducated who refuse medical care. I would call patients who could not go to any other hospital and try to convince them to have their eyes checked for diabetes symptoms in the Teleretinal Imaging department.
One veteran answered my call with a groan asking why he needs to go to the hospital when he knows he does not have diabetes, good medical school personal statement examples. I realized I had to explain to him that symptoms can develop well before the actual disease. This inspired me to help patients in underprivileged communities because some are not educated enough to know when something is wrong with their bodies.
I know if I am given the chance to practice medicine and serve as a leader in the African American community, I can good medical school personal statement examples the same inspiration and become a role model for those who are disadvantaged.
At UC San Diego I joined the Black Student Union where I was able to reach out to those who were unsure about pursuing a higher education. Speaking to high school students about my college experiences has improved my communication skills and ability to relate to diverse populations.
I spoke about how college can open many more opportunities for these students and that there are countless resources and scholarships that good medical school personal statement examples help them, good medical school personal statement examples.
I will use simple and direct communication to help patients understand their disease. Through this experience, I knew I wanted to practice medicine that is personal through interaction with minority communities. After these events, it is clear to me that I cannot give up on my dreams of becoming a doctor because good medical school personal statement examples I rise I will also lift those around me with the same struggle.
In elementary school, I realized there was a lack of famous African-American physicians, so I asked my parents if they knew of anyone. My father told me about my uncle, Roy Harris, who grew up in the inner city, surrounded by drugs and gangs. In order to avoid these hardships, he joined the high school track team and continued running through college while pursuing his medical degree.
I began running to remind myself of his inspiring story and, like him, encourage a change in the world so one day students will have more African-American doctors to emulate.
I am currently one of the top athletes in the nation, an Academic All-American, and I hope to compete at NCAA Division II nationals next year. Running has given me the discipline to maintain a balanced life, provided me the focus to succeed in medical school, and given me the drive to work toward fulfilling my dreams.
Most importantly, I made a promise to my sister, good medical school personal statement examples, creating an unshakeable foundation of endless motivation that will encourage me even through the most distressing moments of my journey to become a good medical school personal statement examples. I will never give up nor surrender because I always keep my promises.
The author uses an anecdote to start and finish the essay, which is a common and effective way to create a story arc. He calls back to multiple experiences throughout his life, from childhood to adolescence to young adulthood to bolster his resolve for pursuing medicine.
His interesting background and stories, such as the promise he made to his sister, and his inspiration for picking up track, make for unique elements in this personal statement. Compare this to the essay above to see the difference. The author has a common and repeating paragraph structure of 1 explain what the extracurricular or experience is, 2 recount a story related to said experience, and 3 draw lessons learned.
While this structure gets the point across, it does not come across as engaging or compelling to the reader. At the beginning of the first Alternative Spring Break ASB meeting that I was leading in front of a group of nervous volunteers, I used an icebreaker, Two Truths and a Lie. Unlike everyone else who had to take time to think about their interesting truths, I would say the same thing every time. Growing up on a farm has given me great pride throughout the years and has driven my passion for service to my community, leading me to the goal of a career as a pediatrician.
The farm is where I was first introduced to medicine. I would assist my father give shots to our animals, help our alpacas give birth to their crías, and talk with our family veterinarian about his treatment methods. The farm spawned in me a love for science which has shaped my career path, and my knowledge acquired through the farm has been a pleasure to share with people.
My mother and I would visit the special education classrooms of different schools to show the kids presentations of the farm. We would lead demonstrations of us cleaning, spinning and crocheting the fiber to an involved and excited crowd of individuals. I have had numerous positive interactions with kids which has made me realize that there is no group I would rather work with more.
Our family farm became close with the few farms that were around us. We would help the alpaca farm 20 minutes from us shear their alpacas, and we once helped a small farm repair its fence that good medical school personal statement examples been ravaged by a tornado, good medical school personal statement examples. It felt good to be able to help people with things that not everybody has the knowledge to do. The farm helped shape my view of community into one of empathy which encompasses the spirit of being a physician.
The joy I received from helping other farms led me to pursue community service opportunities at my university which I found first with ASB, a community service organization in which students dedicate their spring breaks to participate in meaningful service activities, and later as an AmeriCorps volunteer. When I signed up for my first ASB trip in my freshman year, I looked for a trip that involved helping kids. I knew I loved working with the younger population by assisting my mom at her home daycare and those presentations we gave to special education classes.
The trip that caught my good medical school personal statement examples was to Pulaski, VA, which worked with a service organization called Beans and Rice.
We would do fulfilling tornado recovery work in the morning, good medical school personal statement examples, but I most looked forward to afternoons where we got to sit down and chat with kids about their days while helping them with their homework. I heard many stories from the kids about going to bed hungry or their parents being out of work.
My time with good medical school personal statement examples kids made me realize how some people did not grow up with the strong sense of community that I knew at their age and inspired me to continue my work with their age group. During my time in Pulaski, the director of the organization recognized my passion for working with kids and encouraged me to apply to AmeriCorps.
I found a program in Lincoln, NE which allowed me to work with impoverished kids and share my passion of science with them under my given alias of T-Roy the Science Boy not to be confused with my rival, Bill Nye the Science Guy.
My relationships with the children I was working with grew fast, but one student made a significant impact on me. The second-grader was incapable of paying attention to academics yet had an amazing sense of humor. On the surface, his apparent developmental issues brought on by fetal alcohol syndrome resulted in hyperactivity and an inclination for angry outbursts.
Medical School Personal Statement Examples 2021 (LEARN TO STAND OUT!!)
, time: 11:4010+ Good Personal Statement Examples & Writing Tips
An Example of a Successful Medicine Personal Statement Below is an example of a strong medicine personal statement that the Medicine Answered team improved. This medicine personal statement rewarded the applicant with interviews at all four medical schools, helping them to secure four offers. We have kindly been granted permission to post it A quality personal statement demonstrates who you are and why you take admission to a medical school. This statement decides your future academic career, so make it a good one However, make sure that your essay is unique and clearly shows your motivation to get admission to their medical school · Medical School Personal Statement Examples Here are two medical school admissions essays that made a strong, positive impression on admissions officers. The first is from Columbia and the second is Author: Ilana Kowarski
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